Steve Jobs Warns Michael Dell in Viral Video: “We’re Coming After You”

Steve Jobs Warns Michael Dell in Viral Video: "We're Coming After You"

On a memorable day in October 1997, during a technology conference, Michael Dell, the CEO of Dell, was questioned about his strategies for Apple, which was struggling at the time. His response was unexpectedly blunt: “What would I do? I’d shut it down and give the money back to the shareholders.” This comment would later haunt Dell as Apple surged back to prominence under Steve Jobs’ leadership, revolutionizing the tech industry with innovations like the iMac and iPod.

At the time, Steve Jobs did not take Dell’s remarks lightly. According to Walter Isaacson’s biography of Jobs, the Apple co-founder was so incensed that he emailed Dell, stating, “CEOs are supposed to have class.

Steve Jobs Warns Michael Dell in Viral Video: "We're Coming After You"

I can see that isn’t an opinion you hold.” This exchange ignited a fierce rivalry that Jobs used to motivate his team.

Jobs even addressed Dell’s comment publicly in November 1998 while unveiling Apple’s new online store. He told an excited audience, “I can sort of understand it. Michael might be a little upset that we’ve taken something they’ve pioneered and really done it a lot better.

We’re basically setting the new standard for online e-commerce with this store. So I guess what we want to tell ya Michael, is that with our new products, and our new store, and our new build to order manufacturing, we’re coming after you buddy.”

A video capturing Jobs’ humorous comeback was recently uploaded online, showcasing his characteristic flair for showmanship.

Years later, Dell somewhat recanted his infamous statement, suggesting it was taken out of context. He explained, was misconstrued:

The meaning of my answer was that I’m the CEO of Dell, I don’t think about being the CEO of any other company, I’m not a CEO for hire, so if you asked me what I’d do for any other company, it’s not really something I think about.

In a twist of fate, Michael Dell himself took Dell private in February 2013, returning significant capital to his shareholders, mirroring the very action he once suggested for Apple.


Cory Bohon is a dedicated writer for TUAW, bringing insightful news and updates about Apple products to readers. With a deep understanding of the Apple ecosystem, Cory covers everything from the latest iPhone and iPad releases to MacBook innovations and Apple Watch features. His clear and engaging writing style helps readers stay informed about the tech world. Cory’s expertise and enthusiasm for Apple products make him a valuable contributor to the TUAW team.