Sonos CEO Apologizes for App Issues, Outlines Future Fixes

Sonos App

Sonos CEO Patrick Spence has issued a public apology to customers following significant problems with the new Sonos app, which launched on May 7. Spence acknowledged the frustration many users have experienced and emphasized that resolving these issues is the company’s top priority.

“We developed the new app to create a better experience and to drive more innovation in the future,” Spence stated. “However, since launch, we have found a number of issues that have delayed our plans to quickly incorporate missing features and functionality.”

Sonos App

Continuous Updates and Improvements

Since the app’s rollout, Sonos has released software updates approximately every two weeks. Each update aims to make significant improvements, add features, and fix bugs. While these updates have enhanced the experience for many users, Spence admits that more work remains.

The upcoming updates, scheduled for July and August, will focus on improving stability when adding new products and enhancing Music Library configuration, browsing, searching, and playback. In August and September, the company will work on improving volume responsiveness, user interface tweaks based on customer feedback, and overall system stability and error handling.

Future Enhancements

Looking ahead to September and October, Sonos plans to address alarm consistency and reliability, restore edit mode for playlists and the queue, and enhance functionality in settings. Spence reassured users that the company will continue to release bi-weekly updates and provide detailed notes on addressed issues and future plans.

“We deeply appreciate your patience as we address these issues,” Spence said. “We know we have work to do to earn back your trust and are working hard to do just that.”

Commitment to Customer Feedback

Spence emphasized the importance of customer feedback in guiding the app’s improvements. He encouraged users to share their thoughts and concerns directly via email, promising to take all feedback seriously.

“We are committed to making things right,” Spence concluded. “Your input is invaluable as we strive to provide the best possible experience for all our customers and partners.”

Sonos is actively working to resolve the issues with its new app and is committed to providing regular updates and improvements. CEO Patrick Spence’s apology and detailed outline of future fixes aim to rebuild customer trust and ensure a robust user experience. Customers are encouraged to stay engaged and provide feedback to help guide the ongoing enhancements.

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