6 AI Tools to Make Work Easier

6 AI Tools to Make Work Easier

AI tools are artificial intelligence-enhanced tools that make short work of otherwise dreary and exhaustive tasks. In today’s world, the more efficient and smarter you are, the more value you provide and the longer you can stay in the game. That said, these six AI tools can elevate productivity and enhance work performance in a variety of ways.

AI Content Detector

An AI detector for checking plagiarized posts can come in handy in several scenarios and businesses. Nearly all web owners and online businesses rely on content to acquire traffic, from which viewers and customers are sourced. Google will punish a website’s ranking in its search engine if the posts are copied from another publication or blog.

6 AI Tools to Make Work Easier

Content detectors are widely used in academic circles as well. Educators can run their students’ work through a detector and see if it’s an original work or not. With assignments and essays that require originality, using an AI to write an essay in minutes is not acceptable as they would not have written it themselves, or used their own opinions in the matter.

Paraphrasing Tool

Paraphrasing is often used to change text into something that suits the need. For instance, you need to assume a professional tone when addressing colleagues or your boss, and a more casual tone if you’re emailing a friend or an acquaintance. The same applies to outreach, marketing, and other topics you might encounter on a day-to-day basis.

A paraphrasing tool can generate several responses to make the words more professional or friendly, depending on what you need. With the tool, you can edit, rewrite, or formulate responses accordingly. You can even have the AI preserve the original meaning and not have to worry about the sentences being grammatically incorrect.

Email Assistant

In the world of business, email stands as the primary and preferred method of communication, marketing, and sourcing leads. Broken down, email is often used to encourage customers to buy, for partnerships, in response to a customer query or question, and in the recruitment department as well.

Crafting emails can certainly take up much of your time, but with an AI email helper, you can get an initial draft rather than writing one from scratch. In addition, AI is smart enough to provide casual or formal emails depending on the nature of the message. All you have to do is provide the right prompt and as many details as you can.

Image Generator

With images and videos now a necessity for businesses to succeed, companies are now scrambling to find graphic designers and similar roles to boost their social media presence, websites, and digital platforms. Of course, doing this means they will need to spend money to hire the right person and hours of training. The learning curve will be significantly lower if you use an image generator.

Learning how to use an image generator may be daunting at first, but you’ll master the prompts soon enough, especially if you’ve used AI tools before. Once familiar, you can cut a significant amount of time generating images for social media posts, websites, emails, and products.

Grammar Checker and Summarizer

This AI tool is exceedingly handy for writers, editors, and people who work with written text or content on a daily basis. The speed and comprehension of large language models and artificial intelligence means you can scan volumes of content quickly and root out any incorrect grammar and misspellings. At the same time, you can edit punctuation errors so the text appears better.

An efficient AI tool can correct text with a single click or a few seconds. In addition, you can have AI summarize large chunks of written words to make it more concise. You can save time this way and post more content on your website without sacrificing quality and comprehension.

General Assistant

AI is becoming more and more capable as the refinement process goes on. Today, you can get an AI tool to be an all-around assistant, which includes scheduling, reminders, organization, and even ideas for your next marketing campaign or business model, to name a few. ChatGPT and similar LLMs are evolving to help people with their daily lives, mapping out meals and even preparing a speech or script for their meetings and videos.

An AI assistant can carry on minor tasks and support your daily workflow. These tools are usually cross-platform, which means you can continue working with the tool even when you’re on a different device, such as a laptop or smartphone.

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