Apple has introduced the Apple Store app in India, further strengthening its retail presence in the country. This move comes as part of Apple’s ongoing expansion strategy in one of its most important markets.
Enhanced Shopping Experience
With the Apple Store app, Indian customers can now shop directly from Apple with ease. The app mirrors the experience of visiting a physical Apple Store, providing personalized recommendations, product customization, and financing options. Customers can configure Mac computers, engrave AirPods, and explore other features tailored to their preferences.
Convenient Delivery and Pick-Up Options
Orders can be delivered directly to customers or picked up at Apple’s existing stores in Mumbai and Delhi. Additionally, Apple plans to open new stores in Bengaluru, Pune, and other major cities by the end of 2025, further enhancing accessibility for Indian customers.
A Milestone in India
“At Apple, our customer is at the center of everything we do,” said Karen Rasmussen, Apple’s head of Retail Online. She expressed excitement about deepening Apple’s connection with Indian users through the app, which integrates Apple’s products and services seamlessly into one platform.
Apple’s move highlights its commitment to the Indian market, aiming to create a better shopping experience while boosting its retail and digital footprint.