Apple’s iOS Rules Impact Patreon Creators

Patreon Logo design on white background.

Starting November 2024, Apple will require Patreon to adopt its iOS in-app purchase system for all transactions within the Patreon app. If Patreon fails to comply, it risks being removed from the App Store. This mandate has sparked concerns among creators who rely on Patreon to generate income, as Apple’s 30% fee on all in-app purchases could significantly reduce their earnings.

Implications for Patreon Creators

The switch to Apple’s in-app purchase system will affect two major areas for creators. First, Apple will impose a 30% fee on all new memberships purchased through the iOS app, as well as on any sales made in Patreon shops. Second, creators currently using first-of-the-month or per-creation billing models must transition to subscription billing, as these are the only billing types supported by Apple’s system. Although existing members won’t be impacted, creators will need to navigate this shift carefully to avoid disruptions in their income.

Patreon Logo design on white background.

Navigating the Upcoming Changes

To help creators manage this transition, Patreon has introduced tools that allow them to increase prices in the iOS app to offset Apple’s fees. While this adjustment is optional, it aims to ensure that creators continue to earn the same amount per membership as they do on other platforms. Additionally, Patreon is working on a 16-month migration plan to shift all creators to subscription billing by November 2025. The company is offering extensive support, including one-on-one guidance and community discussions, to help creators adapt to these changes.

As the deadline approaches, Patreon remains committed to providing resources and support to minimize the impact on creators and their communities.

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